Thursday, August 12, 2010

Doors and Windows

I've heard so many times that when God closes a door He opens a window. Recently I prayed with a friend and she prayed that God closes certain doors and opens windows instead in my life. I hadn't really spent time meditating on that concept until I hear her earnest and loving prayer. She also prayed that I have perfect peace and contentment when God chooses to close a door. How powerful is that prayer!? So many times we focus only on the fact that the door is indeed closed. We stamp our feet. We react with frustration, anger, sadness for the path we thought we were meant to follow. Stopping for a moment to consider that God loved us enough to close that door changes the entire situation. Instead of rejecting us He's protecting us. Amazing. Closing that door has opened a window that will lead to bigger blessings. I think I'm starting to understand that endings aren't the daunting, fearful things I've made them out to be. He's leading me down a new path that will meet my needs, my dreams, my desires more fully than I knew to pray for. Endings now bring me a sense of peace and are a clear expression of God's love.