Friday, August 3, 2012


It is a fantastic Friday!  I'm walking around in an amazing mood and a friend asks me why I look so happy today.  I smiled and couldn't explain it.  As I walked back to my desk I contemplated what it is that I feel today and I settled on 'content.'  I've been blessed to be part of the Prevail women's group at church.  Over the last two months we have discussed eschatology and breaking down the meaning of the key words in scripture.  This practice is both enlightening and addicting!  It has greatly enhanced my understanding of the Word and has bled into many unexpected avenues.  I find myself analyzing song lyrics, speeches, and now today, my mood.  What does it mean that I'm content?  Scouring to the Noah Webster 1828 dictionary I unearthed following definitions:
1.  Rest or quietness of the mind in the present condition; satisfaction which holds the mind in peace, restraining complaint, opposition, or further desire, and often implying a moderate degree of happiness.

A wise content his even soul secured; By want not shaken, nor by wealth allurd.

2.  Acquiescence; satisfaction without examination.

The style is excellent; the sense they humbly take upon content.

Again I recognized how truly blessed I am to find contentment.  Thank you Lord!

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